Socio-emotional competence is the fifth focus of the curriculum. In addition to counseling, a variety of programmes have been implemented to help students develop self-discipline. Social emotional learning is taught and made explicit in PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) and Soft Skills lessons for the AM and PM sessions respectively. Chapel services and Character Education classes emphasize character development while teachers complement this by infusing moral values in their daily lessons and interactions intentionally.

Community Involvement Projects (local and overseas) are imbued into the school programme to nurture empathy in the students. As these students mature, they need to better understand the physiological, social and emotional changes they experience. The Sexuality Education Programme provides a platform for discussion of these issues. In addition, students are placed in various sports activities to build their resilience and perseverance. It is our goal that students grow up to become well-balanced individuals with strengths in character, contributing effectively to the society.