Grace Orchard School believes that our students can be a leader, leading self, serving others, and reaching out to the community. The school recognises the need for leaders to be rooted in values, proactive in serving and making a difference in our fast-changing world. The school designed a 4-tiered leadership development programme to cater to the differing leadership potentials and aptitudes of our students.
The school has adapted the frame work from The Leadership Challenge Model (TLC) by Kouzes & Posner’s five exemplary practices of leadership and formed the fundamental basis for the design of Student Leadership Development programme at Grace Orchard School is based on 5Cs :
1. Character
2. Connection
3. Confidence
4. Collaboration
5. Commitment
Rooted in the school values of Love, Respect, Responsibility, Integrity and Perseverance, the student leaders of Grace Orchard School stand by the motto, I Care, I Grow, I Lead to Serve.
Students are nominated by class teachers for the respective roles based on the criteria set before they are confirmed by the Student Leadership Committee:
Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3 | Tier 4 |
Key Programmes
At the start of the year, induction sessions are planned to induct and brief the Tier 1 leaders on their roles and responsibilities. Class Teachers and Teachers-in-charge of CCA & Vocational Education will continue to hand-hold the students and guide them as they carry out their duties.
Leadership Camps, Mentoring & Values-in-Action
Besides inducting the junior, senior prefects, and student-mentors, they are given opportunity to attend leadership camps and workshops to develop and hone their leadership skills. Working with Community partners and stakeholders, the prefects are given the platforms to serve the community via the Meals-on-Wheels project. The prefects are also mentored by teachers on a regular basis to guide them in executing their responsibilities and reflect on their actions.
Awards & Recognition
Based on nomination and good track records, the student leaders will be recognised for their contributions to the school and community.
Upon meeting the criteria, the student leaders will be given the following awards:
Tier 1
School Based Awards:
Tier 2
Tier 3
Pinnacle Awards:
Tier 4
Lee Kuan Yew
Pinnacle Awards:
All the tiers | School Based Awards:
*P- Plan your learning *E- Effort is necessary *N – never give up, keep trying until you learn it *C – Character is the most important in a person *I – Involve others in your learning *L – Leave your mark |